University of Virginia Library


Daughter of the golden dreams,
Whose delights of stars and streams
Linked to old forgotten gleams
Make a sweet consistory!
All romance, it laughs and lies
In the glory of those eyes,
Like serene eternities
And twin moons of mystery;
Chivalries that long seemed dead
Breathe their beauty round that head,
While they waken at their tread
Bloom and dew of history.
Una, of such gifts untold
Which no careless looks behold,
One and yet so manifold
With a fair infinity;
Where the worlds divide and part,
With that true and tameless heart
Dost thou stand alone, apart,
In a white virginity;
I could well believe—thy way
Seems above our common clay,
And thy dawn no earthly day—
Thou wert half divinity.


Steeped in perfume of the past
And a magic vague and vast,
Touched by tender lights that last,
Thou art of them amorous;
All the marvels that have been
Making earth more glad and green,
Crown thee wonderful and queen
With a garland glamorous;
And thou hearest yet the song
Low and murmurous and strong,
Which has rolled our race along
Mid the tumult clamorous.
Una, ah, I never knew
Visions granted to the few,
Which thy maiden years renew
With a subtle graciousness;
Echoes that had ceased to sound
Girdle thee with music round,
And unclose each solemn bound
Like the ocean spaciousness;
Thoughts that range for ever far
And beyond the last faint star,
With their golden gates unbar
Thee their dread audaciousness.