University of Virginia Library



'Twas breakfast-time; the noisy house
Constrained the antics of the mouse;
The nursery window, opened wide,
Let in the scents of morning-tide.
The sun looked in with jolly face;
He saw some youngsters saying grace;
He turned the teapot to a gem,
He found the spoons and goldened them.
The under-nurse industrious sat,
And stitched the brim of Baby's hat;
The sun grew fond about her head,
Her needle married shining thread.


Her gown, receptive of the sun,
Seemed wonder-wrought and fairy-spun.
O golden tailor! golden trade
So to befrock a rosebud maid
She worked; a tiny sparkling globe
Fell on the bosom of her robe;
The sun perceived the liquid fear,
And made a topaz from the tear.
And thus sweethearting with his mote,
He ringed the beauty of her throat,
And on her fruitful bodice prest
He boldly warmed her comely breast.
The winking buttons on her gown
Shone like the lamps of London Town,
And on her slippers, black and bright,
There fell the wooing lips of light.


At last the sun began to make
The old mistake, the old mistake!
And then the nurse, a modest maid,
Rose and departed to the shade!