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The Management.

The Management.


Each Day I've liv'd, I've spent it all in Love,
Each Day I've liv'd, I've courted three or four;
Before one Foot into the Grave I move,
I hope to love at least Five Hundred more.


Extreams in other things I can't endure,
I hate to go beyond wise Nature's Laws;
But no Man can in Love be Epicure,
I'm sure in this the World will plead my Cause.



Some travel round the mighty Globe in vain,
Change their Religion with their Native Climes,
Flush'd and encourag'd with the Hopes of Gain,
They dive in Waters, and they dig in Mines.


But some Misfortunes still these Men o'er-take,
Before they touch upon their Native Lands;
Their well fraught Ships does either spring a leak,
Or else they fall into the Pirate's Hands.


I'll spend my Time in Love as I begun,
What tho' my Mistriss never shou'd prove true?
Yet still so ill a Race I cannot run,
These lost their Labour, and their Riches too.