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The History of Polindor and Flostella

With Other Poems. By I. H. [i.e. John Harington] The third Edition, Revised and much Enlarged

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Anon, much more: cross'd smaller Green, ith' Nook
Fine, pritty, larger Cell their fancy took;
Which being approach'd, 'twas formed all, cut out
Oth' main entire Rock, thunder proof, as stout
Th' Iron Doors appear'd; the Walls with Vines ore-clad,
Resembling civill Wildness, pensive, sad,
Dampt Pleasantness; as if the Owner there
Had thought to steal some Comfort, joy (as 'twere)
From th' World and his own spightfull Grief, would so
Play th' walking Ghost (Elizium-plains below
Map'd in this Plot) till, th' Actour's part layd by,
Turn reall true Ghost, fold his armes and Dye.