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A new edition of the life and heroick actions of the renoun'd Sir William Wallace

General and Governour of Scotland. Wherein the Old obsolete Words are rendered more Intelligible; and adapted to the understanding of such who have not leisure to study the Meaning, and Import of such Phrases without the help of a Glossary

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CHAP. II. How WALLACE went to France, fought the Red-River, and took him Prisoner.

Toward his Voyage, Wallace does advance
And at Kirkcudbright shipping takes for France.
With Fifty brave, stout Scottish Gentlemen,
Above what I describe can with my Pen.
'Mongst whom, were Four of his own Kinsmen near,
Two Wallaces, Crawford and Cleland dear.
Drank their Bonalies, in good Wine and Ale,
Then cheerfully, for Sea hois'd up their Sail.


Sail'd that whole Day, and all the following Night.
Then on the Morn, when the Sun shined bright.
The Ship Master, sprang quickly up a Rope,
Where suddenly he spy'd, from the main Top,
Sixteen great Ships, that boldly up did bear,
And towards him a steady Course did steer.
In colour Red, which with the Sun-shine bright,
The Sea all o'er illuminat with Light.
At which the Master almost fell a Swoon,
Affrighted sore, he quickly then came down.
Alas said he, that ever I was born!
Without remead, our Lives are all forlorn.
Curse on the Time that I did take in Hand,
This Voyage, O! that I were back at Land,
And buried were into some lonely Grave,
So Wallace Life with Honour I might save.
Master, said Wallace what needs all this Moan,
Oh Sir here's Sixteen Sail against our one.
Him that Commands, nought but our Blood will please,
He Sixteen Years has been King of the Seas.
Then Wallace ask'd, wot's thou what he may be,
The Red-River, a Tyrant strong is he.
He saveth none, for Gold or other good,
But kills, and drowns all, in the brynie Flood.
Since better may not be I pray thee Show,
Some Mark said VVallace, how I shall him know;


The Master said, at first Sight you will ken,
And soon may him distinguish from his Men.
A handsome, proper Man, as is in France,
And of a Manly Scottish Countenance.
Taller than any of his Men a deal
And cloath'd in Scarlet, 'bove a Coat of Mail.
The foremost Ship that does pursue us so,
Himself is in, and that you'll quickly know.
When he comes near, he boldly will you hail,
Then speedily be sure to strike your Sail.
He'll enter first himself most hardily,
These are the Signs that you shall know him by.
A Bar of Blew, into his shining Shield,
A Bend of White desiring ay the Field.
The Red betokens Blood, and Hardiness,
The White his Courage, strongly doth increase.
The Blew he wears, 'cause he's a Christian.
Then Wallace said, he must be no good Man.
For sure I am, this is no Christian Deed,
Get you below, may the great GOD us speed.
The Shipmaster, and the Steer Men also,
He made go down, into the Hould below.
His Fifty Men who were the very best,
That he could choose, soon were in Armour drest.
Fourty and Eight, closs on the Deck caus'd lye,
On William Craford, then in haste did Cry:
When the Red Reaver hails us, strike amain,
At my command hale up the Sail again.


Dear Cousin Cleland, take the Helm in Hand,
Here on the Deck closs by thee I will stand.
May the great GOD, us and our Ship, both Guide,
The Reaver's Barge came then closs by their Side.
Himself he stood aloft, with a drawn Sword,
And bade the Steers-Man, lay enlong the Board.
Aloud he cry'd, strike Dogs or you shall dye,
Crawford let down the Sail then speedily.
The Captain ent'red first no way's aghast,
Then Wallace gripp'd him, by the Gorget fast:
And threw him down on the Deck where he stood,
While Mouth and Nose, all gushed out of Blood.
A dagger Knife, Wallace in hast drew out,
Then with pale Face, the Reaver look'd about;
Mercy he cry'd, for him that dy'd on Rood,
To Mend my Life; That have spilt so much Blood
In La[illeg.] Tongue, to Wallace then said he,
For God's sake Sir, pray grant my Life to me.
His Weapons all, Wallace did quickly take,
Him by the Hand did lift, and Pris'ner make.
Then made him swear, on his sharp Sword, and Long,
From that Day forth, he never should him wrong
Command thy Men said Wallace, to the Peace,
And quickly cause their shot of Guns to cease.
A Glove, the Reaver held up on the Spot,
Seeing the Sign, his Men forbore their Shot.


His largest Barge, to him he then did call,
Give over War, our true Friends these are all.
Then asked at what Port Wallace would be,
Unto the Rochel, quickly answer'd he.
The Reaver, bids his Men to Rochel steer,
They tack about, when his Command they hear.
Wallace said pray what Country Man art thou,
A French Man Sir, and my Fore-fathers too.
Wallace then ask'd, how came thou to this Life,
By the Mischance Sir of a sudden Strife.
At Court, I kill'd a Man dead at one Stroke,
Which did the King most hainously provoke.
Thro' Friends in Court, I 'scaped off that Place.
And since could ne'er obtain his Royal Grace.
To Burdeous, thereafter made a Trip,
And on a Night, did sieze an English Ship.
Ill Doers to my self I soon got moe,
And in a little multiplied so.
That I, these Sixteen Years have rung at Sea.
And shed much Blood, for which, Oh! Wo is me.
And now, for the great Mischiefs I have done,
In spite of Fate, I'm vanquished by one.
Thus I confess, to my Eternal Shame,
My Bloody Life: But pray Sir what's your Name.
That with your own, single but valiant Hand,
Does me and all my Sixteen Sail Command.


None but brave Wallace the Scots Champion sure,
Could thus have baffled me, and all my Pow'r;
None else I know, encounter me should dare
It were great Honour to Serve in his War,
Then Wallace smiling answ'red modestly.
Scotland had need of many such as thee.
What is thy Name, thinks VVallace wants a Peel,
Monsieur said he, Thomas of Longeveil.
Well bruick thy Name, yea here shall end our strife,
If thou'll repent and mend, thy bypast Life.
For which thy faithfull Friend I'll ever be,
I'm that same Wallace, whom thou now does see
Upon his Knees then Longoveil fell down,
As Wallace had been King, that wears the Crown.
That I'm fall'n in your Hands, I'm pleas'd much more,
Than I had gotten Florins Sixty Score.
Wallace reply'd, since thou are here by chance,
And that the King, has sent for me to France.
I'll tell him, that for my Reward I want,
Thy Peace, and Pardon, which I hope he'll grant.
Could you my Peace obtain, Longoveil says,
Most faithfully, I'd serve you all my Days.
No Service Thomas shalt thou give to me.
But such good Friendship, as I'll keep with thee.
With that they fill'd the Wine, and merry made,
And upon Sight, were in the Rochel Rade.


Now now the Town, is in a sudden Fear,
When the Red-Reaver, and his Ships appear.
Some Ships they fled and others run ashore
When Wallace saw they frighted were so sore:
He did command, none in the Hav'n should go,
But his own Barge, which pleas'd the People so
That they no sooner, the Red-Lyon saw,
In the Scots Banner, but they gave Huzza.
Let up the Port, receiv'd them in the Town,
VVith great Respect, then entertain'd them round.
Wallace they saw a goodly Scottishman,
And honour'd him, with all Respect they can.
Four Days he tarried, at the Rochel, then,
Gave strict Command to Longoviel his Men,
That they discreetly would behave, and well
And nothing act, that might be thought hostile;
For shortly he, would either send or bring,
Unto them all, a Pardon from the King.
Your Captain to the King shall go with me;
By help of GOD, I shall his Warrand be,
Like his own Men, he cloathed Thomas so,
There was no Man that Longoveil could know.
Both blyth and glad, as any Men alive,
They march, and then at Paris do arrive.
In splendid Order to a Garden went,
Then gallantly before the King present.
Fifty and Two, upon their Knees do fall,
Salute the King most fine, like Princes all.


Their Speech they do govern, and so well rule,
As they'd been taught at Julius Cæsar's School.
The Queen got leave (so curious was) to see,
Brave Wallace, and his goodly Company.
The King he dines, as did the Court also,
Then after Meat, does to the Parlour go.
He, and his Lords, commun'd on ev'ry Thing,
With Wallace who did greatly please the King;
In Latine Tongue, his Answer did advance.
With a Serene, and Manly Countenance,
The King he ask'd, where the Red Reaver was,
And marvell'd how that Tyrant let him pass.
You with the Herauld might have writ to me,
For Power to convey you thro' the Sea.
I thank you Sir, no need thereof had we,
Blessed be God, we're all safe as you see,
Then said the King, Wallace, I wonder much,
You have escap'd that Bloody Tyrants Clutch.
Who on the Sea, such Cruelties has wrought,
Could we him get he should not 'scape for nought.
Thomas he quak'd, began to count his Beads,
When as the King, related his Misdeeds.
Wallace gave Ear, but feigned in some part,
Forsooth said he we found none in that Airt:
But Sir, with leave, would ye the Reaver know,
Fy, since I saw him, it is long ago.
These Words of yours, Wallace, are all in vain,
E'er he come here many he'll cause be slain.


Then Wallace said, great Sir of my Men all,
Who is the Man, likest to him you'd call.
The King reply'd, with a quick piercing Eye,
That large long Man that next to you stands by.
Then on his Knees the worthy VVallace fell,
O royal King said he pray hear me tell,
How Saxon-Seed, hath Scotland sore distrest,
Our Elders kill'd and royal Blood opprest,
Your Majesty methinks should interpose,
In our Behalf, and curb our Lawless Foes.
And that by Vertue of the League and Band,
'Twixt FRANCE and SCOTLAND does so firmly stand.
Next, since at your Command come here I have,
One Favour Sir, I humbly of you crave.
The King reply'd I'll grant, or pay you down,
What e'er you ask, except my Queen or Crown.
Most Royal Sir, said Wallace, all I want
Is, that you'll graciously be pleas'd to grant,
Peace to this Man, whom I brought here thro' Chance,
And I'll disclaim all other Gifts in France.
This same is he, you may believe it well,
Of whom you speak, Thomas of Longoveil.
Receive him as a free Leige of your Land,
At which the King was put unto a Stand;
Yet for his Promise, and good Wallace Sake.
Into his Peace he Longoveil did take.


The King he ask'd at Wallace, how and where,
He met with Longoveil, who did declare,
And there rehearse the Manner how, all o'er,
As you have heard the Story told before.
Wallace to Thomas also purchas'd then,
Peace unto all his Fourteen Hundred Men.
Then on the very Spot where he did stand,
Was knighted by the King's own royal Hand.
Syne to his nearest Heir left his Estate,
Then with brave Wallace went and took his Fate.