University of Virginia Library




Love! let me have my Mistress such
(If I must need have one,
Whose mettal will indure the touch,
Whose touch will try the stone!
Let her have sence I ask no more
A Womans reason I abhor!


Her noon like Eyes should shine as clear;
And be so fixt on mine,
The Salamander babe there,
Should kindle and entwine,
Then look me dead, that men may swear
There is no Basilisk but her.


If th' upper manna-lips distill,
The sweets of every food,
To sauce the Appetite (not fill)
The Lover Limbeck's good:
To relish which, let Love invent,
Away to crane his Instrument.


The shrillows of the Siren noise,
Should charm an Adders Ear;
And where she Eccho'd all to voice,
I'de be in Love with her


To be Clamæleon'd who would Care,
So he might Juncat on such Air.


I'de have her panther in her breath;
And Phœnix in her breast,
The vallies that are underneath,
The Spicery of the East.
I'de have her without much ado,
But lo! I'de have her naked too:
In spight of Fate, thus would I lye
Mandrake to all Eternity.