University of Virginia Library

Hymn XXIV.

[Tis not for us, and our proud harts]

Tis not for us, and our proud harts,
O mighty Lord! to chuse our parts;
But act wel what Thou giv'st:
'Tis not in our weak pow'r to make
One step o'th way we undertake;
Unless Thou us releev'st.
What Thou hast given, Thou canst take,
And when Thou wilt, new gifts canst make;
All flows from Thee alone:
When Thou didst give it, it was Thine;
When thou retookst it, 'twas not mine:
Thy will in all be done.
It might perhaps too pleasant prove,
Too much attractive of my love;
So make me less love Thee:
Some things there are; thy Scriptures say,
And reason proves that heav'n and they
Do seldom wel agree.
Lord! let me then sit calmly down,
And rest contented with my own;
That is, what Thou allow'st:
Keep thou my mind serene and free,
Often to think on heav'n and Thee;
And what thou there bestow'st.


There let me have my portion Lord!
There all my losses be restor'd;
No matter what falls here:
Is't not enough that we shall sing,
And love for ever our blest King;
Whose goodnes brought us there?
Great God, as Thou art One, may we
With one another all agree;
And in thy praise conspire;
May Men and Angels joyn and sing
Eternal Hymns to Thee their King;
And make up all one Quire.