University of Virginia Library

The .lij. Psalme.

Thou tyrant why reioycest thou, in that thou doest amysse:
Sence the goodnes of God oure Lorde dayly amonge vs is.
Wayes to corrupt & to destroye, thy tonge doeth styll inuent:
Euen as it were a sharp rasour, that to cut is styll bent.
Thou dost delyght rather to hurt, & thyne anger to wreake:
Then do to well, & for to lye then ryght and trueth to speake.

All wordes that brynge destruction, & do therto belonge:
Thou loueste for to spreade abroade wyth a disceytfull tonge.
Wherfore God shall scatter thy stocke, & take it cleane awaye:
He shal cut the out of thy tent, and make thy rote decaye.
Whych thynge when the rightwise shall se, then shall they stand in awe:
And shall laugh and make reioyceynge, at the syght that they sawe.
They shall saye, lo, this is the man, that in God hath not trust:
But in the heape of hys riches, and in hys wicked lust.
But I lyke a grene olyue tree in the Lordes house I saye:
Haue put my trust in hys goodnes, for euer and a day.
Because thou haste me made good Lorde, thy preases wyll I tell:
And wyl trust in thy name because thy sanctes do lyke it well.