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De quatragesima
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De quatragesima

Leinte comeþ þer afterward þat six wike ilasteþ
Þat hore sunne forto bete alle Cristen men vasteþ
For riȝt it is þat Cristene men hore teþinge do
Of hore frut þoru out þe ȝer & of oure vleiss also
And þat hy teþegi also god þe dawes in þe ȝer


Forto bete hore luþer sunne þat hy wroȝte her
Nou beoþ þre[o] hondred dawes and sixti in þe ȝere
And fiue þerto wiþoute mo bote it bisext were
And þe teþinge of al þis dawes wo so it wole riȝt wende
Wole [beo] sixe and þritti dawes and fiue bileueþ atte ende
Nym þulke sixe and þritti dawes and fiue do þerto
Þer beoþ þe voure clansing dawes and þe Soneday also
Ȝif þe clansinge dawes & þe oþere alle togadere beoþ
Þa[nne] habbe ȝe al clanliche al ȝoure Leinte as ȝe nou iseoþ
Nou beoþ þer to [and] fourti dawes & six wike iwis
And so muche forte Esterday riȝt clene Leinte is
Ac do wei þe sixe Sonedawes and þanne bileueþ þere
Euene sixe and þritti dawes þe teþinge of þe ȝere
Nim þanne four clansinge dawes and fast also þerto
Þanne haste euene forti dawes [whan hi beo togadere ido]
And so muche ouer þe riȝte teþe þerto we moste caste
For ensample of oure Louerd þat forti dawes vaste
And for ensample of Moyses & Elie þe prophete
Þat faste boþe vourti dawes & no maner mete neete
And boþe hy hadde hore mede sone & merit inou
Vor a cart of golde liȝte adoun and Elie drou
To þe ioie of eorlich parais as monyman ysay
Þer he is wiþ fleiss & bon & worþ forte Domesday
Vpe þe hul of Synay Moises vaste also
And wiþ oure Louerd spak mouþ wiþ mouþ þo is fastinge was ido
And bigan þere þe olde lawe to sauy mony a man
Wiþ is fastinge oure Louerd ek þe nywe lawe bigan
Ac he bigan is vastinge anon after Twelþeday


Anon so he ibaptised was and bigan þe niwe lay
Ac we doþ oure a monþe later as me mote nede
To vaste aȝen þe holy time þat oure Louerd dude blede
And þat we mowe saufliche at is up risinge
Tak is fleiss and is blod best of alle þinge
And for þat folk of Irael wile bi olde dawe
Aȝen hore Ester þulke tyme vaste in þe olde lawe
Nou vasteþ þer monymen and wel vewe ariȝt
Manie wolleþ biginne sone & ete almest forte niȝt
Woso wol nou faste ariȝt bote nede it make do
He ne may noȝt bigynne is mete to raþe ne to longe sitte þerto
Ne ete noþemo noȝt to muche ne touore in þoȝte be[o]
Hou me miȝte in mest delices his metes him byse[o]
He mot ek faste for Godes loue and noȝt to spelie is god
And forto amendi is foule sunne & noȝt is heuie blod
As doþ monye riche men þat habbeþ al hore ese
Wanne hi habbeþ to muche iȝete as best in vatte lese
Hi goþ up and doun and bolkeþ wiþ wel dreori chere
Hi nolleþ ete a mossel more bote hore mawe amti were
Hi bolkeþ and bloweþ aboue ac ine segge noȝt elles ware
Hi poffeþ and meneþ hore stomak þat mot nede vuel vare
And fasteþ þanne day and oþer mid wel lite god
Ac for ȝare soule riȝt noȝt ac fore hore heui blod
Alas swete Iesus þin ore þat þeos maners beoþ stronge
A man to amendi is foule vleiss þat faste ssel so longe
Ac for bote of þe seli soule þat sunne doþ aspille
Al euene vastinge he makeþ & ȝute al aȝen is wille
And vnneþe ȝute þulke dawes scarse wiþoute mo
As me bit in Holy Churche and vnneþe alle þo
And þat muchedel aȝen wille bote he neder oþer do
As wo seiþ for þe worles ssame & for Godes eiȝe also
And ȝif eny hey eue comþ as ualþ bi Soneday


As me bit him faste þen Saterday wel sone he seiþ nay
Ac nim þe day as he comþ day þat oþer do
A balled reson makeþ þanne & plaidinge þerto
And resons haþ þerto inowe wiþ wel stordi mod
Ac of plaidynge of wisdom ne can he noȝt a uerþing worþ god
Ac to soþe wanne eny vastyng eue comþ bi Soneday
As in decretals is iwrite me ssel uaste þe Saterday
And þerto holde ech Cristen man wo so euer segge nay
And wo so eni oþer deþ he brecþ is fastyng day
Anoþer þinge bi uastinge falleþ ver & ner
As me seiþ alday þe coppe abuþ þe defaute of soper
And be[o] he ihandled wel ynou as hom þincþ it is riȝt
Atte faillynge of þe soper to drinke forte midniȝt
In alle wise [of] on oþer of oþer fol hi wolleþ be[o]
Alas alas such glotonie nis noȝt worþ a stre[o]
Wo so wole uaste ariȝt he mot somdel wiþdrawe
Of drinke as wel as of mete oþer it nis noȝt worþ an hawe
[L]einte [is] ek also bifonde þat men hom lete ssriue
Of sunnen þat hi habbeþ ido biuore in al hore liue
Ac mony þinges neodi beoþ ar ssrift beo wel ido
Þat man telle is sunne mid is mouþ & be[o] sori þerto
And þat he in wanhope ne be[o] noȝt & þat he penance lede
Þat he mowe here wiþ is vleiss abugge is misdede
Þus he mot habbe attelaste wo so wol be[o] wel issriue
For wiþoute sorwe of heorte no sunne nis forȝiue
A mon were betere for is sunne be[o] sori and vnssriue
Þanne issriue wiþoute sorinesse & bet ssolde be[o] forȝiue
For it is iwrite þat seinte Peter þrie oure Louerd forsok
He ȝeode out & sore wep inou & gret deol to him tok


Ac we ne findeþ iwrite in no stude þat he were þerof issriue
Ac naþeles as ȝe witeþ al is sunne beoþ forȝiue
Ac for þan ne be[o] noman so tristi þerto
Þat he for al is sorinesse ne be[o] issriue also
Ac monimen ar hi be[o] scriue sori beoþ inou
Ac after þe ssrift doþ swuþe lite ac me þincþ þat is wou
Ne be[o] a man ȝute so sori ne issriue so clene
Ȝif he is ȝute in wanhope al nis worþ a bene
As Iudas was sori inou þo he hadde misdo
And iknewe to al þat folk and ssrof him also
Ac for he wanhope hadde up oure Louerd þat is so hende
He wende to þe pine of helle & worþ wiþoute ende
& þei a man be[o] sori & issriue & wiþoute wanhope also
Al it wol be[o] lite worþ bote he is penance do
Ac many wolleþ bigynne wel after hore ssrift anon
And [bileue] al hore fole þoȝtes & to no folie gon
Ac anon so Ester is icome þat hy habbeþ fleiss itake
And eteþ raþe & eke late such þoȝt hi wolleþ forsake
Ac hi vareþ as deþ þe blod hond at bigynnynge of þe ȝere
Þe smul haþ wel of euerich best of hare & ek of dure
Ac wanne þe hauþorn bigynneþ to blowe al it is forlore
For swotnesse of þulke flour þe smul þat was biuore
[M]oni weneþ ek be[o] wel issriue þat comeþ to ssrift also
Habbe hi hore sunne itold ac more þer mot to
For ȝif þou ert in dedlich sunne ar þou be[o] issriue
Wel eiȝte þinges þou most do or it ne worþ noȝt forȝiue


Seie wat þi sunne is & wat þou ert & wo was þi vere
[Wy wanne] & ware þou it dust hou ofte & in wuch manere
Þus eiȝte þinges þou most do & wel ȝerne mercy crie
And ȝif ich þe segge reson wy ne sei noȝt þat ich lye
Þine sunne þou most telle nede & wat þou ert also
For more sunne it is ȝif þou ert preost oþer dekne to misdo
And in sunne of lecherie oþer ȝif þou ert hosebonde
Þer uore woso ssel þe ssriue al þis mot vnderstonde
Seie ek wo þi vere was for more sunne it is
To ligge bi a wedded wif þanne bi anoþer iwis
Seie ek wat þe encheson was to do þi folye
For it is wel more sunne to do lecherie
In entente forto do þi voule vleisses mod
Þanne to biȝute a child of þi forme of þi fleiss & þi blod
Seie ek wanne þou dest þe sunne for more sunne it is
To sunegi in holy time þanne in oþer iwis
Tel ek þe prest in wuche place þou dust þe sunne also
For it is more sunne in holy stude misdo
As in churche oþer in churche ȝard to do lecherie
For þe holiore is þe stude þe more is þe folie
Tel eke hou ofte þou it dest for þat þou most nede
For þe ofter þou it dust þe more is þi misdede
Þou most ek telle in wuch manere þou dust þe sunne iwis
For ȝif a man anoþer quelþ wel more sunne it is
To drawe quik lime fram oþer & pine him longe do
Þanne quelle him anon hasteliche þat þe pine were ido
And also god of lecherie & of oþer sunnes iwis
In suche manere þou [m]iȝt it do þat þe sunne þe more is
Þer uore noman ne may be[o] ssriue of þat he deþ amis
And namelich of dedlich sunne bote he telle al þis
And wanne ȝe seoþ reson wy ne wiþ seggeþ me noȝt
Ac for Godes loue ech Cristen man habbe þis inis þoȝt


And in þis manere þat ich habbe itold let him ssriue clene
And siker elles al is ssrift nis noȝt worþ a bene
& in þe manere þat ich habbe itold woso is clene issriue
And is penance do þerto is sunne beoþ forȝiue
And wo comeþ elles to ssrift to vnchargi is sak
As uol he geþ hom aȝen and mid as heui pak
And wo so is also issriue & bileueþ inis þoȝt
An sunne & par auntre mo þat he ne telleþ noȝt
Þulke sunne bileueþ inis nest forto gaderi mo
Þat þe deuel ne forȝut noȝt woder he ssel go
For wanne henne leggeþ in hore nest eiren monyon
& me comeþ & nimeþ al awei me wole euere bileue on
Þat bileueþ as a nest ey þat þe hen mowe iwite
Ware he ssel efsone legge leste it were forȝute
Also wanne men beoþ issriue ȝif hi bileueþ vntold
Somme sunne in hore wrecche þoȝt þerof þe deuel is bold
For he haþ þanne a nest ey & he wot wuder go
And legge as inis owe nest euere mo and mo
Þeruore woso wole be[o] issriue ichot wel him is best
Þat he ne bileue non [n]est ey to make þe deueles nest
Ac þat he be[o] sori inis herte & is penance do
And al oþer þing þat ich habbe ised þat valleþ þerto
So þat he mowe an Ester day wanne he haþ al iuast
Oure Louerdes vleyss vnderfonge þat a swete mossel is last