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PSAL. 1.
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PSAL. 1.

[Blessed, who walk'st not in the worldlings way]

Blessed, who walk'st not in the worldlings way;
Blessed, who with foul sinners wilt not stand:
Blessed, who with proud mockers dar'st not stay;
Nor sit thee down amongst that scornfull band.
Thrice blessed man, who in that heav'nly light
Walk'st, stand'st, and sitt'st, rejoycing day and night.
Look as a thirstie Palm full Jordan drinks,
(Whose leaf and fruit still live, when winter dies)
With conqu'ring branches crowns the rivers brinks;
And summers fires, and winters frosts defies:
All so the soul, whom that clear light revives,
Still springs, buds, grows, and dying time survives.
But as the dust of chaffe, cast in the aire,
Sinks in the dirt, and turns to dung and mire;
So sinners driv'n to hell by fierce despair,
Shall frie in ice, and freez in hellish fire:
For he, whose flaming eyes all actions turn,
Sees both; to light the one, the other burn.