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50. [Neglect of Love]
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50. [Neglect of Love]

I lov'd the once, I'le love noe more,
Thyne be the greife as is the blame
Thou art not what thou was before
What reason I should be the same?
Hee that can love vnlov'd againe
Hath better store of love then braine.
God send mee love my debts to pay
While vnthrifts fooles there love away.
Nothing could have my love o'rethrowne
If thou had still continued myne,
Nay, if thou had remain'd thine owne,
I might perchance have yet been thyne,
But thou thy freedome did recall
That it thou might Elswhere inthrall,
And then how could I but disdaine
A Captives Captive to remaine?
When new desires had Conquer'd thee
And chang'd the Object of thy will,
It had been Lethargie in mee,
Noe constancy to love the still,
Yea, it had been a sinn to goe
And prostitute affection soe,
Since wee are taught noe prayers to say
To such as must to others pray.
Yet doe thou glorye in thy choice,
Thy choice of his good fortune boast,
I'le neither greive nor yet rejoice
To see him gaine what I have lost.
The hight of my disdaine shall bee
To laugh at him, to blush for thee,
To love the still, but goe noe more
A begging at a beggers dore.