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The Works of Thomas Campion

Complete Songs, Masques, and Treatises with a Selection of the Latin Verse: Edited with an introduction and notes by Walter R. Davis

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[Lighten, heavy hart, thy spright]

Lighten, heavy hart, thy spright,
The joyes recall that thence are fled;
Yeeld thy brest some living light:
The man that nothing doth is dead.
Tune thy temper to these sounds,
And quicken so thy joylesse minde;
Sloth the worst and best confounds:
It is the ruine of mankinde.
From her cave rise all distasts,
Which unresolv'd Despaire pursues;
Whom soone after Violence hasts,
Her selfe ungratefull to abuse.
Skies are clear'd with stirring windes,
Th'unmoved water moorish growes;
Ev'ry eye much pleasure findes
To view a streame that brightly flowes.