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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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To his courteous freind, T. B.

To his courteous freind, T. B.

Giue quick engines, that trusting to attaine,
The height of Honour and a liuing Fame,
With penning of, their Poesies prophane,
Should purchase praise, and winne a noble Name,
What then braue Buck, should be thy part, herein,
That shawes the sortow of the Soule for sinne.

For while as foorth, some busied be to bring,
The bad inuentions, of their boyling Braine,
Thou happie Thou, harps on an higher string;
And showes a Man, regenerat again,
Wherefore we should, Thee thanks most gratefull giue,
Because a woeb, much worthier Thou wiue.
While wordly Writers witles and vnwise,
Be full of folies, and of friuole fraits,
Thy pen and paines, to profit moir tho'applies,
And both diuine, and worthily thou wraites,
Than since thou such, a sacred subiect sings,
Flie with the pens, of praise and honours wings.