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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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Agaynst slouthe.


Agaynst slouthe.


Syng this as, Of Ielousye who so wyll heare.

Marke and geue eare ye slouthful mē.
And to my song geue good respect:
Aryse out of your drousy den.
To Idlenes that are subiect.
Ryght truly sayde kyng Salomon,
As smoke the tender eyes offende:
So slouthfull men are wrathe anon,
Wyth suche as moue them to amend.
Go to (sayth he) thou slouthfull beast,
Go to and slumber out thy fyll.
Wyth folded armes lye downe to rest,
Accordyng to thyne idle wyll,
As one that iourneyth all day long,
So pouertie shall on thee lyght:
And as a souldier fierce and strong:
Necessine shall shew her myght.
But who so is industrious,
And wyll his labour well apply:
His increase shall be plenteous,
And he shall haue abundantly.
In slouthfull soules, thus saith the Lord,
My wysedome it can take no place:
Oh be conuerted by Gods word,
Ye slouthfull men, and calle for grace.


Who so to worke no payne wyll take,
But liues in slouth (thus saith S. Paul)
His company we must forsake,
And giue to hym no meate at all.
Thus sayth the lord, therfore awake
Thou that dost slepe, and stande vpright:
Stande vp from death, for Christes sake:
And Christ the lord shall geue thee lyght.