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Loves martyr

or, Rosalins complaint. Allegorically shadowing the truth of Loue, in the constant Fate of the Phoenix and Turtle. A Poeme enterlaced with much varietie and raritie; now first translated out of the uenerable Italian Torquato Caeliano, by Robert Chester. With the true legend of famous King Arthur, the last of the nine Worthies, being the first Essay of a new British Poet: collected out of diuerse Authenticall Records. To these are added some new compositions, of seuerall moderne Writers whose names are subscribed to their seuerall workes, upon the first Subiect: viz. the Phoenix and Turtle

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29. I send my heart to thee, where gladly I would be.

29. I send my heart to thee, where gladly I would be.

I of all other am faire Venus thrall,
Send me but pleasant glances of thine eie,
My soule will leape with ioy and dance withall,
Heart of my heart, and soules felicitie:
To beauties Queene my heart is sanctified,
Thee aboue all things haue I deified.
Where is Affections? fled to Enuies caue?
Gladlie my Thoughts would beare her companie,
I from foule bondage will my Phœnix saue,


Would she in loue requite my courtesie,
Be louing as thou art faire, else shall I sing,
Thy beautie a poisnous bitter thing.