University of Virginia Library



All in a dream in the twilight,
Glimmering stars in their glee,
List to the murmur of far-off
Ripples of tropic sea.
Low in the westward bleeding
The sun slowly sinks in the wave—
Staining and tinting with crimson
The corals that fashion his grave.
Out through the mist and the vapor,
The cloudy wreaths and the rings,
Sunlight has flown like a butterfly
Brushing the gold from its wings.
Quiet is coming and folding
Our troubles away; and our woes
Are hushed in the cool, fragrant shadows,
Like bees in the heart of a rose.


Come on little stars all silver,
For the terrible sun has gone,
And out of the eastern shadows
The moon sets sail for the dawn.
Pale are the stars—for the morning
Is blooming fresh as the May;
So through the shadows we wander,
Seeking the perfect day.