University of Virginia Library


Paul B. Victorius Frame Shop -
1413 W. Main St. — Custom
framing for all degrees. Special
Discount cards being mailed to al
graduating students.

Aug. 29 — $202. June 25 — Aug
28. $222. NY/Lon. R.T. Open only
to Univ. of Va. Students, Faculty
& Staff. Call Va. Student Flats
293-9485 pref. after 10 p.m.

Wanted to buy — used cycle
helmet. Call Clark 296-6949.

Costume design for Charles Stuart
King by Lois Garren. May 10-1
Phone 924-3051.

AFFAIRS — Job Opening
Minimum of Bachelor's degree
Recreation or related course,
years experience in youth work
Occasional week-end & night work
required in addition to regular work
wk. Must have fulfilled military
obligation. Employment to beg
July 1, 1971. Apply at Room 10
City Hall Bldg.

All Ravens, Annual Raven Society
Banquet & Cocktails 13 May - 5
p.m. Rotunda. Call 296-5216 aft
6 if you weren't notified.

Grad. announcements have arrive
They're in the Newcomb
Bookstore. Pick them up soon.
cents ca.

"AMBITIOUS MEN of all trades
north, to ALASKA and YUKON,
around $2800 a month. For
complete infor. write to JOB
RESEARCH, P.O. Box 161, Stn-A
Toronto, Ont. Enclose $4 to cover

Camera Center: Studio — Passports
& Identifications — 913 W. Main —

Class of 1972: Vote May 10-11.
Elect John Wood Class Representative
of the College.