University of Virginia Library



1967 Fiat 850 coupe, excellent
condition, a true sacrifice, $750.

1965 GTO, automatic, air conditioned,
one owner, $1300. Call
Greg Lane 296-8712.

Typewriter — Heres 3000.
Swiss made precision, portable,
excellent condition $130 new, now
$76. Rarely used, call John

1963 Volvo, runs well, $475.
Call 295-3482 ask for Peter.

JAGUAR XK-120, 1952 with
140 engine. A classic, $750. Write
Dave Maupin, Miller School, P.O.

RCA portable TV, 18″ diagonal
with stand, $30. 296-4300 after 10

Fringed leather coats, ponchos,
chlos, leather pants and moccasins.
Blue jeans, jackets, western
boots and clothing. The Saddle
Shop, 220 West Water.

1966 Pontiac LeMans, good
condition, power steering and
brakes, $900. 295-6456.

Opel Rallye — 15,000 miles, still
on new car warranty, perfect
condition. Many options, must sell
immediately. Dirt cheap. 295-3522.

Sony TC-124 stereo portable
cassette tape recorder. Excellent
condition, $130. Call 296-5235.

'63 Olds - 98, power everything,
new tires, brakes, starter.
$600 or best offer. Call 295-2341


All those who advertised in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible
student of the University will be
allowed to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.

Available: 2 bedroom apartment,
Emmet St., near Barracks
Rd. $135 month. Call 296-3100.

1 bedroom basement apt.
panelled, heat, water and stove
furnished. $85. 295-0517 after 6.


Acapulco riders wanted, pulling
trailer. Share expenses. Depart
sometime February. Richard Davis,
Gordonsville 832-2070 evenings.

Interviewing for summer positions
as senior life guard, playground
and wading pool supervisors
and maintenance men. Must be high
school graduate. Call 296-8186.

Student's wife as assistant interior
decorating shop. Part-time.
Year round. Experience not required.
Phone evenings 293-7316.

Musicians, singers, for Library
restaurant. Apply in person, 132
Emmet. 295-2930.

Typists wanted for full time
employment. Interviews Wed. Feb.
10 10-4, 1006 West Main St.
(upstairs 2nd office to right).

2 roommates wanted to share
new fully furnished luxury apt.
Near Corner. 10 minutes from
Cabell Hall. Rent negotiable. Call
296-1119. After 12 Saturday and
after 5:30 p.m. M-F. Contact Chris
Tims at Apt. C-21 1215 Wertland

One or two roommates needed
for four-man Woodrow apt. Easy
terms, quiet, comfortable.

Roommate wanted for second
semester, 2 blocks from Cabell Hall.
$45 includes all utilities, call


Omega watch in Alderman Library
during exams, reward. Call
293-4170 after 6 p.m.

Silver parker "75" of sentimental
value before semester break.
Call 295-6021.


Babysitter - student's wife with
degree in elementary education.
Will babysit while you work.
Experienced. 295-3522.

Valentine's week Special Stop
by 1705 Jefferson Park Ave. for
FREE kisses! Guaranteed cycle mate

The first weekly coveted
FUBAR award for distinguished
service to the University has been
won by the evening ew at the
Castle. The main factor in their
selection was the efficient, as well
as rapid service rendered to their
grateful patrons. Congratulations.

Start the new year off right $10
dinner meal tickets only $9 at
Zorba's Inn — McIntire Plaza.
296-8689 ABCon-off.

WIDE LOAD — for bookings
call 293-3386.

Attention Grad. Wives: Plan to
entertain? Join 10 week course in
French cooking now. 973-4124.

Summer in EUROPE - $199 if
you act now. June 11 to Sept. 3.
NYC to London round trip. Call
295-0344 ask for John Sundin.

Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications
ROTC, OCS, and so forth. One day
service, reasonably priced. Negatives
kept on file for future years.
Phone Gitchell's Studio 296-7558,
107 E. Main.