University of Virginia Library


ARNOLD AIR Society meeting
at 7:30 p.m. Monday in room B29
Rouss Hall.

HIGH POINT track meeting
schedules posted in fraternity mailboxes.

Z 73-11-1345.

TWO WORKSHOP productions
"The Nine O'Clock Mail" by
Howard Sackler and "Here be
Dragons" by David Ward, will be
presented at Minor Hall on Sunday,
May 3. Students and dates free. All
others sixty cents. Curtain time is 3

and materials for course on "Relevant
Christianity" may be picked
up at office next to Newcomb Hall
Information Desk.

"L'AVENTURA" directed by
Antonionl at 7 and 9:30 p.m. in
Newcomb Hall Ballroom, Sunday.
Fifty cents.

KAPPA DELTA PI spring initiation
and banquet Saturday, May 3
in Newcomb Hall. Initiation of new
members at 5:30 p.m. Banquet and
installation of new officers at 6:30
p.m. Guest speaker, Mrs. Helen Hill,
assistant supervisor, Special Education,
State Department of Education.
For reservations contact Mary-anna
Henderson, Buford Junior
High School, Cherry Avenue. $4
per person.

ALL RISING third-year College
students should submit as quickly
as possible their declaration of
major or inform the office of the
Dean of College of their intention
to transfer next year. The deadline
for these declarations of majors is
May 1.

INDIA Assoc. of U.Va. is
presenting a movie, "Night in
London," May 3 at 7 p.m., Gilmer
Hall Aud. $1.50 admission.

ECONOMICS comprehensives
given Saturday, May 3, 9-12, Wilson
Hall 301.

GRADUATE Arts and Sciences
elections will be May 13 and 14.
Candidates must submit a petition
(signed by 25 GAS students) no
later than 8 p.m. Monday, May 5. A
mandatory meeting of all candidates
will be held in the Student
Government offices at that time.
Offices open: GAS president, vp
and secretary; two 1-semester and
one 1-semester Student Council

APPLICATIONS for the John B.
Minor Pre-Legal Society are available
at Cabell 401 or at Main Desk,
NH. Minimum 2.75 GPA required.
Return applications to F. O. Blechman,
35 W. Lawn.

COLLEGE elections to fill 2
Judiciary and 5 student council
positions will be May 13 and 14.
Petitions (signed by 25 College
students) must be turned in by 3
p.m. May 1. A mandatory meeting
of all candidates will be held at that
time in the Student Council offices.

JEFFERSON Society membership
interviews Monday, April
28-Friday, May 2, 2-5 and 7-9 in
Jefferson Hall, West Range.