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MEETING of Alderman Judicial
Council in Webb Conference Room
at 8 p.m.

WRESTLERS workouts begin at
3:30 p.m. today in Memorial Gym.

FILMWATCHERS Club presents
"Knaal" by A. Walda. Gilmer Hall
at 7 and 9. Fifty cents.

GOLF meeting at 5 p.m., lecture
room, Memorial Gym.

coffee hour. Graduate Lounge at 5
p.m. Public invited.

CHRISTIAN Science Rog, meeting
at 7 p.m., 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.
Everyone welcome.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to
contract cafeteria. All bridge
players invited.

TILKA meeting at 10 p.m.,
Deke house.

IFC Athletic Committee meeting
at 3 p.m., IFC office.

COMPUTERS — The Users'
Group of the Computer Science
Center will present a lecture,
"Efficient Programming, Part 2" in
room B23, Gilmer Hall, 5 p.m.

SOCIETY of the Cornish Game
Hen meeting, 8 p.m., Jefferson

DRAFT Counselling: 3rd floor
Conference Room, Newcomb Hall,
12-2 p.m. For appt. call 9-5 p.m.,

PK elections will be held in
room 4C, Newcomb Hall at 7 p.m.

GERMAN Dance Society elections
will be held in room 4C,
Newcomb Hall at 9 p.m.


CANDIDATES for President of
the College will present their views
on the Honor System at 9:30 p.m.
during the Jefferson Society meeting.
Public invited.

VA. CHRISTIAN Fellowship
will meet at 7:30 in Madison Hall.
Mr. J. Churchill, history instructor
at Blue Ridge School, will speak on
"The Glory and Significance of the

ALL Engineering students and
faculty invited to Theta Tau Rush
smoker from 8-12 at Theta Delta
Chl house, 1811 Lambeth Lane.

TRIGON Engineering Society
invites all engineering students and
faculty to rush party at Delta Sigma
Pi from 8-12 p.m. Refreshments.
Dates welcome.


UNDER new procedures established
by Student Council all
org. requesting funds are required
to submit requests by April 15.
Forms and instructions can be
picked up at Student Council
office, 4th floor, Newcomb Hall
Monday-Friday, 9-1 and 2-5. Hearings
on these requests held between
April 21-23.

election meeting scheduled for
tonight has been changed to Thursday,
April 10.

ELECTIONS for Student Council
and Graduate School officers
held in Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences on April 8 from 9-5.

HIGH School Recruiters: Please
attend a meeting Monday, April 7
at 7:30 p.m. in room 4B, Newcomb
Hall to evaluate the effectiveness of
the program and its procedures.
Please bring names and addresses of
any recruitable students.

Decoration Comm. meeting at 8:30
after Guide meeting Monday in
Rotunda. All interested Jefferson
Society and Guide members please

HIGH POINT softball schedules
are posted in fraternity mailboxes
in Memorial Gym.

INTRAMURAL Softball rules
meeting for all interested referees
and managers at 4 p.m., lecture
room, Memorial Gym.

APPLICATIONS for single student
housing will be accepted by
Housing Office 8 a.m.-4 p.m. as
follows: prospective 4th and 5th
year undergraduates and graduates
on April 7; prospective 3rd year
undergraduates on April 8 and 9;
prospective 2nd year undergraduates
on April 10 and 11. Applications
must be accompanied by a
$25 deposit and will not be
accepted before day stated.

PERSONS interested in Modern
/Interpretive dance urged to attend
meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 3
in Mary Munford Lounge. If unable
to attend, contact Lynn Fulp,