University of Virginia Library


Wanted: Need ride for date
from Baltimore for Christmas parties
Saturday. Will share cost.

Wanted: 1) Guitar Instructor. 2)
Roller skating supervisor for Friday
and Saturday nights. Call Dept.
Recreation 296-8186.

Riders to Miami for Christmas
Week. Will leave Sat. noon Dec. 21,
arrive before noon Sunday. Leave
Miami Dec. 29-64 Valiant. I will do
most of driving. $12.50 one way,
$17.50 round trip. R.J. Doyle 334
Courtenay House.

Drummer and bassist wanted to
play hard rock. Musical concept,
obnoxious attitude towards life
more important than experience.
Own equipment necessary. Call
296-1044 evenings.

Accounting Major as back up
for the fiscal officer of rapidly
growing Albemarle Co. firm just
listed on N.Y.S.E. Salary
$8500-9500 range. Send resume to
P.O. Box 1053, Charlottesville, Va.

Generous soul with roomy back
seat to carry wedding present to
Winchester, Va. R.E. McCarthy
293-7436 or 296-1373.

Must vacate room on 2 East
Range in December. Need acceptable
replacement. Call
293-3869 eves.

Female roommate wanted for
one bedroom of two-bedroom University
Heights apartment. Call

Need roommate to share 4 man
apartment on Brandon Avenue, available
January 1. 296-1468. TV
and stereo.