University of Virginia Library



The Computer-Science Center
will offer an introductory course
and an intermediate course in
computer programming for the
B5500 beginning December 5. The
introductory course, which assumes
no prior knowledge of
computers, will be held in the
Aero-Mechanical Auditorium. The
Intermediate course which assumes
a fairly extensive working
knowledge of Algebra will meet in
room 23 or the Computer-Science
Center. Both course will meet
from 7:30-9:30 on the following
evenings: December 5, 6, 8, 11, 13,
and 15. There is no charge for
the course and registration is by
attendance at the first meeting.
At that time text books for the
course will be available for $5.25.

WIN $50.00 by submitting a
winning entry in the Fine Arts
Contest. Categories are poetry,
art, short-stories, one-act plays,
satirical essays, and black-and-white
photography. Drop your
entries off in the University Union
Office, fourth floor, Newcomb