University of Virginia Library


A Desk Clerk position is open
at Thomas Jefferson Inn. This
could be a nice job for a student's
wife. Must be at least twenty-one
years of age and have an
aptitude for working with figures.
Hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 4
p.m. to midnight, alternating each
week. Please telephone Mr.
Brackens, 296-7101.

FARM WORK-at your convenience,
approximately 15 hours a
week near Earlysville. Mowing
pastures, fixing fences, feeding
cattle, etc. Experience desirable,
but not necessary. $2.00 per hour.
Call J. B. Murray, 973-5336 or 073-
51, evenings or weekends.

Wanted part-time job as library
research assistant. Previous
experience. Good typist. Call 2961259.

Snackbar attendant, part-time,
evenings. JAG School Officers
Club. Call 293-4095 between 8 a.m.
and 5 p.m.