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Christian Science Organization,
7 p.m., YMCA Board Room, Madison

Engineering Council: 5 p.m.,
Faculty Conference Room, Thornton
Hall. Mac Wade Award will
be presented.

A.J.G. Priest speaks on "Humor
in the Law," 4 p.m., student
Lounge, Clark Hall. Everyone invited.

T.I.L.K.A. 10 p.m., ta House.

Basketball Managers: and all
those interested in managing Varsity
& first year, meeting upstairs
lobby, Memorial Gym, 7:30 p.m.

Cavalier Bridge Club, 7:30 room
adjacent to Newcomb Hall grill.
All players welcome.

Circle K: 7 p.m., 4A, Newcomb

A.I.A.A., 8 p.m., A & M Auditorium.
G. Matthews: "Role of
Basic Research in Engineering."