University of Virginia Library


AED Beer Party for all members,
Thursday 8:00 p.m. in front of 40
E. Lawn.

Counselors Committee on Human
Sexuality, Webb Lounge 6:00 p.m.

Film Production Union meeting
Thursday, Nov. 30, 7:30, 215

Human Relations Committee
meeting, Thurs. 7:00 in South
Meeting Room, Newcomb.
Everyone welcome.

Gay Student Union meeting 9:00
Thurs. At United Ministry (Across
from Memorial Gym)

Cave Club meeting, Informal
Lounge, Newcomb 7:30 Thursday.

Meeting of the Academic and
Athletic Affairs Committee of
Student Council; Thursday 3:30
p.m. Newcomb 4B. Everyone

Newcomb Hall Bookstore is
preparing to return overstock from
1st semester. If you need a book,
please get it this week or you may
be too late if you wait longer.