![]() | Preliminary report on the 1937 excavations, Bc 50-51, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, with some distributional analyses | ![]() |
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C. Appendix C
Compiled by Clyde Kluckhohn
Anonymous—"Chetro Ketl, Chaco Canyon," pp. 49-50, El Palacio,
Vol. 34, 1933.
Anonymous—"Chetro Ketl Still a Riddle: Great Chaco Canyon Site
Offers Problems Still to Be Solved by Archaeologists," pp. 29-31,
El Palacio, Vol. 31, 1931.
Anonymous—"Excavations at the Ruins of Chetro Ketl in Chaco
Canyon, New Mexico," p. 98, The Masterkey, Vol. 6, 1932.
Anonymous—"Explorations in Chaco Canyon in 1920," pp. 1-5, 12-13,
El Palacio, Vol. 10, No. 6, 1921.
Anonymous—"Slab House Builders in Chaco Canyon," pp. 462-464,
El Palacio, Vol. 23, 1927.
Baldwin, Gordon C.: "Review of D. D. Brand, et al., Tseh So, a Small
House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico," pp. 80-84, American
Antiquity, 4: 1, 1938.
Bonin, G. Von: "Cranial Deformity in the Pueblo Area," pp. 720-721,
American Anthropologist, n.s., Vol. 39, 1937.
Brand, Donald D.: "Hawley's Study of Chetro Ketl" (Review of F.
Hawley, The Significance of the Dated Prehistory of Chetro
Ketl), pp. 17-29, El Palacio, Vol. 38, 1935.
—"Tseh So, a Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico,"
by D. D. Brand, F. M. Hawley, F. C. Hibben, et al., University
of New Mexico Bulletin 308, Anthropological Series 2:2, June 15,
Carr, M., Spencer, K., and Woolley, D.: "Navaho Clans and Marriage
at Pueblo Alto," pp. 245-257, American Anthropologist, n.s., Vol.
41, 1939.
Culin, Stewart: "Games of the North American Indians," p. 648,
Bureau of American Ethnology, Annual Report 24, 1902-03,
Washington, 1907.
Douglass, Andrew E.: "Typical Ring-Record from Chaco Canyon 700
to 850, CW-331," pp. 20-21, Tree Ring Bulletin, Vol. 3, 1937.
Dutton, Bertha P.: "Łeyit Kin, A Small House Ruin in Chaco Canyon,"
pp. 84-85, New Mexico Anthropologist, 1:6, 1937.
—"Łeyit Kin, A Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico,"
University of New Mexico Bulletin 333, Monograph Series 1:6,
October 15, 1938.
Hawley, Florence M.: "The Family Tree of Chaco Canyon Masonry,"
pp. 247-255, American Antiquity 3:3, 1938.
—"Kokopelli of the Prehistoric Southwestern Pueblo Pantheon,"
pp. 644-646, American Anthropologist, n. s., Vol. 39, 1937.
—"Mummy Dusters, New Mexico Style," pp. 20-21, 34-37, New
Mexico, Vol. 17, March, 1939.
Hewett, E. L.: "Chaco Canyon Past and Present," pp. 313-315,
El Palacio, Vol. 26, 1929.
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—"The Excavation of Chetro Ketl, Chaco Canyon, 1932-33," pp.
50-58, Art and Archaeology, Vol. 35, 1934.
—"New Dates from Chaco Canyon," pp. 185-186, El Palacio, Vol.
32, 1932.
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in an Ancient Pueblo Estufa in Northern New Mexico," pp. 169179,
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New Mexico," p. 82, The Geographical Society of Philadelphia
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—"Review of D. D. Brand, et al., Tseh So, A Small House Ruin,
Chaco Canyon, New Mexico," pp. 728-729, American Anthropologist,
n.s., Vol. 40, 1938.
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Kittredge, and letters from J. B. Hamilton, F. A. Kittredge, H. M.
Miller, T. C. Miller, F. Pinkley, O. G. Taylor, and V. W. Vandiver).
Postlethwaite, W. W.: "The Outer Walls of Chetro Ketl," p. 81, New
Mexico Anthropologist 2:4-5, 1938. (Summary of paper read
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Reiter, Winifred: "An Unknown City of Ancient America, Discoveries
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![]() | Preliminary report on the 1937 excavations, Bc 50-51, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, with some distributional analyses | ![]() |