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A PREFACE to the following REVIEW, offering somewhat therewith considerable.


[GOD's Promises and Threatnings, unto all]

GOD's Promises and Threatnings, unto all
Predicted are, with a Conditional
Express or Tacit; and (although they seem
Pronounced absolutely, at some time)
May be reversible according to
Our Faith, and acting what we ought to do:
For, we are taught by many Presidents,
That, like Proceedings will have like events,
Till somewhat interveneth to dispense
Judgment and Mercy with a difference.
Most part of what this Author did predict,
Hath variously already took effect:
And, if ought is deferred, or abated,
Of that which was by him prognosticated
Against this Generation, or this Place,
'Tis meerly an effect of GOD's free-grace,


By him vouchsafed, for their sakes, by whom
A seed must be preserv'd till he shall come,
Whose coming, & whose reign will put an end
To all their sufferings, who for him attend
In faithful patience, and he will enable
To bear mean while, what seems intolerable.


[Though Lot a while in Zoar stai'd]

Though Lot a while in Zoar stai'd,
There long to abide he was afraid;
And many now begin to fear
There will be little safety here;
Because they see, hear and believe
What makes them both to fear and grieve.
Yet, in his place let each man stay
Until God calleth him away,
By straitning of his path-wayes here,
Or, by enlarging them elsewhere.


And, let him careful be, that whither
He moves, he bears not our sinnes thither;
For, to what place soe're we go,
The same sinns bring the same Plagues too.
And, there is means of saving-Grace
For Penitents, in ev'ry place.