University of Virginia Library


[Him, only Him we long to hear]

This is My beloved Son: hear Him. —ix. 35.

Him, only Him we long to hear,
Creator of the listening ear,
Who comes in Moses' place,
Spirit and life and power imparts,
And speaks into our faithful hearts
The words of truth and grace.
He doth to us His mind declare,
By every gospel messenger
His will to sinners show;
To heathens poor He speaks His praise,
He speaks by all His mysteries,
His life and death below.
He speaks by benefits bestow'd;
We hear the language of His rod,
Who kindly doth reprove:
In trouble's storm He chides our fear,
And gives our flutter'd hearts to hear
The whispering voice of love.
His Spirit's small and quiet voice
Makes all our broken bones rejoice,
Our souls to health restores;


And then the saint renew'd by grace
Abhors himself, and hides his face,
And silently adores.