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The Path-way to

Necessary for all Young Sea-men, or those
that are desirous to goes to Sea, briefly shewing
the Phrases, Offices, and Words of Command,
Belonging to the Building, Ridging, and Sayling,
a Man of Warre; And how to manage
a Fight at Sea.

Together with the Charge and Duty of
every Officer, and their Shares:

Also the Names, Weight, Charge, Shot, and
Powder, of all forts of great Ordnance,
With the use of the Petty Tally.

Written by Captaine John Smith some-
times Governour of Virginia, and Admirall

Printed for Jonas Man, and Benjamin Fisher,
and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot,
in Aldersgate streete. 1626.


["Accidence" in this context means "rudiments"; the term was originally used for books of grammar.
Smith's title was clearly inspired by Gervase Markham's The Souldier's Accidence., which had been entered
for publication Jan. 3, 1625/1626 (see the Biographical Directory). In the eighth line, "Offices" most likely
meant "functions." In line nine there is a printer's error; "Ridging" should have been printed "Rigging."
The printer was very likely confused with "ridging," covering the ridge of a roof.

The editor is grateful to The John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island, for permission to
reproduce this title page.]