University of Virginia Library



What secret charm hath bound me to this spot
Thus long? All-beauteous canopy of boughs
That hang'st on air suspense, the spell is thine!
A cloud thou seem'dst, condensed into a tree,
Yet keeping somewhat of its cloud-like softness,
When seen at distance; nearer as I draw,
Thou seem'st a billowy sea, with such a grace
Those undulant limbs on ether swell and bask,
Now surgent, sinking now. A Greek had deemed
That 'mid the innocuous tempest round thee stayed,
Thy blissful playmate thine unshared possession,
For in it scarce yon tapering cypress sways,
'Mid all that rich and exquisite confusion
The Nereids, and the Nephelìad race,
Forsaking azure waves and sailing rack,
Were sporting with thy Dryads!
Nearer yet
I draw to thee, and nearer. Is it joy
That brightens thus thy mien? The groves that fence
This pleasaunce, youthful when with thee compared
Are dark with thee contrasted! Old thou art;
Thy trunk is old; but every year those sprays,
Waving dependent in the golden gleam—
In them thy seat of gladness dwells—are young
As in thine earliest April. Laughs from out them
The crystal clearness of that green unknown
Save to thy race at springtide; laughs in light;
Laughs like the emerald brine, that, glimpsed far off,


Ascends those “Diamond Rocks” of famed Kilkee!
Yet, where the evening shade has reached thy branches,
O'er them, in place of simple joy, there spreads
That pathos seen alone upon a face
Where joy with sadness mingles. Vision-tranced
Thy countless boughs stretch forth, pointing one way,
Eastward, still eastward. Eastward, too, that stem,
Bent by sea-scented gales of many a year,
Inclines for aye; those gales that o'er thy brow,
So gracious are the adversities of Time,
Have wov'n that softly-stormy crown of boughs,
And changed the strength aspiring of thy kind
To humbler, tenderer grace.
The sun descends,
Screened by the western slopes; and, far below,
Creeping from foot to knee, from knee to breast,
The shadow slowly mounts those woods remote
Girdling yon lake there where that keep-like Rock
Gleams in its glass—those woods whose crest still bright
Must soon in turn be darksome. Ancient Tree,
That from thine eminence on them look'st down,
Dost thou, prescient like them of coming night,
Forecast the dawn beyond it as the Just
Discern beyond death's cloud their heaven? 'Tis so!
Once more I see that forehead eastward bowed;
I see thee stretching forth once more thy hands
In eastward adoration; and, with sighs
Unutterable, and yearnings ne'er to cease,
Courting the embrace of some perpetual morn;
I see, and half believe, that when that sun,
Now sunk, anon uprising full in face


O'er Galtymore—ah, me! how oft the eyes
Of Spenser must have kenned its southern steeps,
How oft my Father's watched it from the west!—
Levels his beam against thy dewy lips,
Memnonian melodies will breathe response.
April 27, 1883.