University of Virginia Library


Scene X.

Cyprian, as frightened; Clarin, stealthily after him.
Doubtless something must have happened
'Mong the stars' imperial clusters,
Since I find their influences
To my wishes so repugnant.
Up from the profound abysses
Some dark caveat must be uttered,
Which prohibits the obedience
Which they owe me as my subjects.
I, a thousand times, with spell-words
Made the winds of heaven to shudder,
I, a thousand times, the bosom
Of the earth with symbols furrowed,
Yet mine eyes have not been gladdened
By the human sun refulgent
That I seek, nor in mine arms
Hold that human heaven.

What wonder?
When a thousand times have I
Scraped the earth as if for nuggets,
When a thousand times the wind
By my screeching was perturbéd,
And yet Livia was oblivious.

Once again then I am humbled
To invoke her thus. Oh, listen,
Beautiful Justina. ...


Asonante in u—e to the end of Scene XV.