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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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The placid eve, the whisp'ring gale,
Bid musing Love and Peace prevail;
And call the lonely swain to stray,
Where breezy Coolness fans the way.
How sweet to breathe thro' yonder grove
The pensive lay, the sighs of Love,
While streams in answ'ring murmurs lave
The peaceful banks of Wandle's Wave!
Yet, ah! the notes that Friendship taught,
Must soon awake a gloomier thought,


Since She will close those eyes of fire
That now the rural song inspire;
The summer eve, the cooling grove
Hear then no more the sighs of Love;
I go to dress Affection's grave;
Adieu, the banks of Wandle's Wave!