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Poems and Songs

(Second Series). By Edwin Waugh

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My Gronfaither, Willie.


My gronfaither, Willie,
Wur born o'th moorside,
In a cosy owd house
Where he lived till he died;
He wur strong-limbed an' hearty,
An' manly, an' kind;
An' as blithe as a lark, for
He'd nought on his mind.
Derry down.



His wife wur th' best craiter
That ever wur made;
An' they'd three bonny lasses
As ever broke brade;
An' five strappin' lads—
They looked grand in a row,
For they'rn six feet apiece—
That makes ten yards in o'!
Derry down.


My gronfaither's house
Wur a cosy owd shop,
An' as sweet as a posy
Fro' bottom to top;
Parlour, loom-house, an' dairy;
Bedrooms, greight an' smo';
An' a shinin' owd kitchen,—
The best nook of o'!
Derry down.



He'd cows in a pastur,
An' sheep o'th moorside;
An' a nice bit o' garden
Wur th' owd fellow's pride;
With his looms an' his cattle,
He'd plenty o' wark
For his lads an' his lasses,
Fro' dayleet to dark.
Derry down.


A gray-yedded layrock
O' three-score an' twelve,
He'd weave an' he'd warble,
He'd root an' he'd delve
Fro' daybreak to sunset,
Then creep to his nook,
At the sweet ingle-side,
For a tot an' a smooke.
Derry down.



An' fro th' big end o' Pendle
To Robin Hood's Bed;
Fro Skiddaw to Tandle's
Owd grove-tufted yed;
Fro th' Two Lads to Tooter's,
There's never a pot
That's sin as much glee
As my gronfaither's tot.
Derry down.


Fro' Swarthmoor i' Furness,
Where th' dew upo' th' fells
Keeps twinkle to th' tinkle
Of Ulverston bells;
Fro Black Coombe to Blacks'nedge,
No cup mon could fill,
Did moore good an' less harm
Than my gronfaither's gill.
Derry down.



As I journey through life
May this fortin be mine,
To be upreet an' downreet
Fro youth to decline:
An' walk like a mon,
Through whatever betide,
Like my gronfaither, Willie,
That live't o'th moorside.
Derry down.