University of Virginia Library


February 15 IN THE ORDER

No end ... upon his kingdom, to order it, ... with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.”—Isa. ix. 7.

O let me choose the winning part
Of order and eternal right,
One with the beating of God's heart,
One with the marching on of Light.
I do not need an earthly chart,
For against Thee I cannot fight.
Yea, when I do desert my post,
Thy Wisdom rules through error most.
O let me battle at Thy side
For faith and beauty, and the sweet
Which hometh even in Marah's tide
And in the mean and miry street.
Thy Goodness is so very wide,
Crowns kings, and washes beggars' feet.
And all things work together still,
The adverse storms, for Thy dear Will.
O let me own Thy loftier law,
Embrace the fetters, bless the rod,
And link my soul to larger awe
Which marks Divineness in the clod;
Until I see what Stephen saw,
And lose myself in Love and God.
Ah! lift me from this lower sky,
Father, to Thine Eternity.