University of Virginia Library




Tune—“I will ha'e a weyfe.”

Money meks us bonny,
Money meks us glad;
Be she auld or ugly,
Money brings a lad.
When I'd ne'er a penny,
De'il a lad hed I—
Pointin ay at Jenny,
Laughin they flew by.
Money causes flatt'ry,
Money meks us vain;
Money changes aw things—
Now I'm Madam Jane.
Sen auld Robby left me
Houses, fields, nit few.
Lads thrang round i' clusters,
I'm a beauty now!
Money meks us merry,
Money meks us bra;
Money gets us sweethearts—
That's the best of a'!
I ha'e fat and slender,
I ha'e shwort and taw;
I ha'e rake and miser—
I despise them aw!
Money they're aw seeking,
Money they's git neane;


Money sends them sneaking
Efter Madam Jane!
There's ane puir and bashfu',
I ha'e i' my e'e;
He's git han and siller,
Gin he fancies me.
Money meks us bonny, &c.
January 6, 1807.