University of Virginia Library


The Ember Week.—First Collect.

“Guide and govern the minds of Thy servants, the Bishops and Pastors of Thy flock.” —Prayer Book.

Mysterious purchase of Almighty Blood!
Who, based on God's eternity, hast stood
Unchang'd in essence, since Emanuel's time,
High o'er all hate, by miracle sublime,—
We pray for Thee!
Church of the Lord! catholical and one,
Neither by Power, nor Policy begun,
No mere creation, framed by mortal will,
In sacramental might enduring still,—
We pray for Thee!
From everlasting in the Heart Divine
Bride of th' Incarnate! was Thine awful shrine;
Loved by The Trinity, Whose counsels gave
All which mankind can sanctify, or save,—
We pray for Thee!
Here, in this creedless world of Woe and sin
Tempted without, and sorely tried within,
Hated, yet fear'd, while faction, scorn, and strife
Blend and combine to counterwork Thy life,—
We pray for Thee!
Long may these Ember-fasts intensely prove
A perfect witness of primeval Love,
Whose dateless birth in Time's religious past
Hath round their claims a consecration cast,—
We pray for Thee!


Thy priested Applicants of purchased grace,
Stewards of Christ, who back their Office trace
E'en to The Lord, from Whom it first began,—
Priest of all priests, th' ordaining Son of Man!—
We pray for them!
Counsel and comfort, guardian-love, and light,
In the true meekness of anointed Might,
Heroic purity, and hallow'd power
To baffle Fiends in their most fearful hour,—
We pray for them!
And Ye! Successors by celestial law
To that Episcopate Apostles saw,
With links unbroken handing down the Chain
That binds the Present with the Past again,—
We pray for You!
Pastors for Christ! that on no impious head
The spell of consecrating Hands be shed,
But with all wisdom, faith, and watching care
Deacon and Priest may binding vows declare,—
We pray for You!
Guard them, and guide them, Bishop of all Souls!
Whose living Unction heart and will controls;
That, in the plenitude of each high gift,
The Church may ever Thy true Cross uplift,—
And pray for them!
Here, while our low-breathed Litanies ascend,
Enter the Veil, and with hosannahs blend
Which deepen round Thy saint-encircled Throne,
Pardon Thy people, who are called Thine Own,—
And pray for them!
Shelter'd, and screen'd within Christ's ancient Fold,
Still may Thy Pastors, Sheep and Lambs behold;
And that Chief Shepherd endless worship give
Who died on earth, that man in heaven might live,—
For this we pray!

Acts xx. 28.

Prov. viii. 23.

John xvii. 9.

Prov. xiv. 3.