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The Gallant's blunt Address to a fond Adultress.

A Song.

Pray Phillis sigh no more for me,
Nor counterfeit that Passion,
Your Love is but Hypocrisy,
Your Looks Dissimulation.
Tho young, you have for years been wed,
Two Lovers are too many.
The Nimpth that stains her Marriage-Bed,
Can ne'er be true to any.


A Woman's Oaths invalid are,
When she has lost her Honour,
The same you vow to me, you'll swear
To him that is your Owner.
To talk of Love it makes me stare,
I hate such Female shamming,
But if you're lustful as you're fair,
I'll run the risque of damning.
When e'er you shew your self inclin'd,
And I've a Mind to ease ye,
I'll be as vig'rous and as kind,
As e'er I can to please ye;
But to be true I'll never swear,
If that's the Nail you're driving;
I'll be no fetter'd Fool to e'er
A marry'd Jilt that's living.