University of Virginia Library


See, Flavia, marriageable grown,
And with a fortune of her own,
Perhaps, some hundred pounds a-year,
Affects no husband but a peer.
Transporting thought! to be ally'd
To noble blood and—nought beside.


A Countess, wealthy, rich, and fair!
Death sure a coronet will spare.
Flavia this choice discreetly makes,
Peers ever are the greatest rakes;
And Flavia would do all she can,
But to reform such dear, dear men.
“To turn, while heedless on he strays,
“One from the errour of his ways,
“Is like a star, by will divine,
“In heaven eternally to shine.”
Thus Flavia, with true Christian pride,
Would wed with Scripture on her side;
Acquire, to live renown'd in story,
A coronet, and crown of glory.
Kings but one crown, alas! desire,
She greatly would to twain aspire.