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A neaste of vvaspes latelie fovnd out and discouered in the Law-countreys

yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees [by William Goddard]

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[A souldyer, Lawyer, and a Cytizen]

A souldyer, Lawyer, and a Cytizen
In thicke-wide Forreste (once these wandring men)
Had loste them selues, but Fortune did provide
For eache of these a beaste to bee his guide
Vnto the souldyer (with a mild-maiestick grace)
A princelie Lyon gentlye bent his pace
Vnto the Lawyer did the subtill Foxe
Two to the Townsman went, the Ass the Oxe
Eache telling in theire languadge, howe that they
Would t'eache of them a guider bee in's waie
The firste the Lyon thankes; thother the oxe
The Townsman thankes and followes th'Asse & thoxe
But most ingratefull hee (inhumane borne)
Robbes the mild asse ofs' witt, and th'oxe ofs' horne.