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Patience Exercised under Arianism
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Patience Exercised under Arianism

While Alexander was a making Cleare
Christs Godhead as Eternall in the Sphere


O'th'Church at Alexandria Unto
The Priests their of andanor up did grow
Put up in Arius his Sophick Crown
The which he crops by which he tumbles down
Christs Choice Eternity, him Creature names
Sucks in absurdities such falshood gains
That God was God when that he had no Sin
The Son was made, and therefore once begun
Was but a Son Adoptive, not by nature
Was made to be Gods Instrument-Creatour.
He was not God, had not a Deity
The Holy Ghost according to this lie
He did traduce as but a Creature made,
And from the father and the son is said
Essentially to Differ, and such trash
This Spermalogue did vend with Currant pass.
The Nicene Counsill then was summoned
By Constantine this Hydra to behead
The which they bravely did: yet as a weed
That off is cropt, springs up again indeed
Brancht into many stems, or sorts, doth grow
Like to three headed Cerberus, and flow.
The Eusebians, Eunomians, and them
Call'd Macedoneans branch from this stem.
This Monster barkt and bit, did spread and run
All Affrick, Asia, Europe to did come
Like as a Canker eating strangly spred
In almost evry place its venom head
Where Gospell grace did flow, in Ministers
In Kings and Magistrates in Emperours
And strangly did inulcerate, infest
The Churchs, and the pious part molest.