Schola Cordis or the Heart of it Selfe, gone away from God brought back againe to him & instructed by him in 47 Emblems [by Christopher Harvey] |
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Schola Cordis or the Heart of it Selfe, gone away from God | ||
Ode. 39.
The Soule.All this is not enough: me thinks I grow
More greedy by fruition: what I get
Serves but to set
An edge upon mine appetite,
And all thy gifts doe but invite
My pray'rs for more.
Lord, if thou wilt not still encrease my store,
Why did'st thou any thing at all bestow?
And is 't the fruit of having still to crave?
Then let thine heart united be to mine,
And mine to thine
In a firme union, whereby
We may no more be thou, and I,
Or, I, and thou,
But both the same: and then I will avow,
Thou canst not want what thou do'st wish to have.
True, Lord, for thou art All in All to me,
But how to get my stubborne heart to twine,
And close with thine,
I doe not know, nor can I guesse
How I should ever learne, unlesse
Thou wilt direct
The course that I must take to that effect.
'Tis thou, not I, must knit mine heart to thee.
Schola Cordis or the Heart of it Selfe, gone away from God | ||