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Traitor selfe, why do I try
Thee, my bitterst Enemy?
What can I beare
Alas more deare
Then is this Center of my selfe my heart?
Yet all those traines that blow me up lie there
Hid in so small a part.


How many back-bones nourisht have
Crawling Serpents in the grave? I am alive,
Yet life doe give
To Myriads of Adders in my breast,
Which doe not there consume, but grow and thrive,
And undisturbed rest.


Still gnawing where they first were bred,
Consuming where they're nourished,
Endeavouring still
Even him to kill


That gives them life, and looses of his blisse
To entertaine them: that tyrannicke Ill
So radicated is.


Most fatall men what can we have
To trust? our bosomes will deceive;
The cleerest thought
To witnesse brought,
Will speake against us and condemne us too,
Yea and they all are knowne. O how we ought
To sift them through!


Yet what's our diligence even all
Those sands to number that do fall
Chac'd by the winde?
Nay we may finde
A mighty difference; who would suppose
This little thing so fruitfull were and blind
As it's owne ruine showes?