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Natures Picture Drawn by Fancies Pencil To the Life

Being several Feigned Stories, Comical, Tragical, Tragi-comical, Poetical, Romancical, Philosophical, Historical, and Moral: Some in Verse, some in Prose; some Mixt, and some by Dialogues. Written by the Thrice Noble, Illustrious, and most Excellent Princess, The Duchess of Newcastle [i.e. Margaret Cavendish]. The Second Edition

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Hymen triumph in joy,
Since overcom'd Love's Boy:
Each Age, each Sex and Place,
The Wedlock-Laws embrace,
The looser sort can bind,
Monarch of what's Mankind.
All things do fall so pat
In this Triumvirat,
Which now in Wedlock mix;
Now Three, though once were Six.
A Lady said, Such Constant Love was dead,
And all Fidelity to Heaven fled.


Another Lady said, She fain would know,
When Marri'd, if they did continue so.
O, said a Man, such Love (as this was) sure
Doth never in a Married Pair endure:
But Lovers cross'd, use not to end so well:
Which, for to shew, a Tale I mean to tell.