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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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Domine ne in furore.

Psal. 6.

When Dauid by his sinnes had prouoked Gods wrath; and now felt, not onely his hand against him, but also conceiueth the horrors of death euerlasting, he desireth fornesse, bewailing that if God tooke him away in his indignation, he shall lacke occasion to praise him as hee was wont to doe, while she was among men. Then, sodainely feeling Gods mercie, he sharply rebuketh his enemies, which reioyced in his affliction.

In thy iust rage (deare Lord) reproue me not:
(for, iust it is, sith so vniust I am)
Nor chasten me when thy fierce Wrath is hot,
lest I should be extinguisht yer the Flame.


Let thy strong Grace againt my Weaknesse stand;
(thy Grace so strong, as it vpholdeth All)
And heale me (Lord) with thine all-helping Hand:
for, eu'n my bones are bruised with my fall.
My Soule's afflicted more then griefes afflict:
(for griefes but pine; but this doth quite vndoe)
Then Lord, how long shall I (a poore Relict)
endure these plagues, that paine and pine me too?
O turne thy now auerted Face, to mee
(to me that fades as flowres for want of Sunne)
And let my Soule be safe, and sau'd by thee,
through Grace, that hath to thee most glory wonne:
For Deaths fell torments are so violent,
that they constraine the Sense to minde but them:
Who then in Hell, through hellish discontent,
can once but minde thee, in such paines extreame?
My sorrow hath my Soule so ouer-fed,
that it conuerts mine Eyes to founts of Teares:
For, eu'ry night in teares I rince my Bed,
and drowne my Couch in streames of griefes & feares.
Mine Eyes are so o'ercast with clouds of Cares,
that they see nought, but through those Water-streames:
My beauty's gone, while I away do weare,
among my Foes, and these confus'd extreames.


But yet I feele thy Grace (Lord) worke with me:
then leaue me, leaue me, yee too idle Crue,
That yet still worke, but worke iniquitie;
for, God hath seene my Teares, and heard me rue.
You are my Foes, that (yet) would seeme my friends;
but Foe-like friends, and all mine enemies
God will cut off by diuers fearefull ends;
and soone confound you, and your Trecheries.
To God the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost,
three Persons, and one God; all glory be;
As it was, is, and shall be in each Coast,
thoughout all worlds in all eternitie.