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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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Commynge home warde out of Spayne.

O ragyng Seas,
and myghty Neptunes rayne
In monstrous Hylles,
that throwest thy selfe so hye,
That wyth thy fludes,
doest beate the shores of Spayne:
And breake the Clyues,
that dare thy force enuie.
Cease now thy rage,
and laye thyne Ire a syde,
And thou that hast,
the goueruaunce of all,
O myghty God,
graunt Wether Wynd and Tyde,
Tyll on my Coun-
treye Coast, our Anker fall.