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[Chronicle of Fabyan]

[by Robert Fabyan

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Septima Pars Henrici .iii.

[If excelent of wytte or grace of good vertue]

If excelent of wytte or grace of good vertue
Or nobylnesse of byrth myght vnto deth resyste
Than shulde this Frederyke mortall fate exchewe
Which hym hath closyd here nowe in his Cheste
But noone of theyse may erthly man assyste
To stryue with deth but all must pay hym dette
Noble and innoble there is no thynge may lette.

[Fre fretyth this worlde/and deconfoundith all]

Fre fretyth this worlde/and deconfoundith all
Hyghe thynges of honour/into depenesse derke
Risercheth busyly the goodis generall

Of this worlde both of the Laye and Clerke
Makynge no questyon in his mooste cruell werks
And Cus with Swerde all thynge doth manace
And this is Frederyke all devoyde of Grace.