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The Musyque of the beautie of his Mistresse Diana. Composed by John Soowthern ... and dedicated to the right Honorable, Edward Deuer, Earle of Oxenford, &c

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New kinde of verces deuised by him: and are a wofull kinde of meter, to sing a loue, or death in.
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New kinde of verces deuised by him: and are a wofull kinde of meter, to sing a loue, or death in.

Like the dolefull birde languishing,
the which dooth sing,
Her fatall song in sweete accordes,
Betaking her selfe to her death,
wearie of breath:
On Meander her florie bordes.
And euen so I, without hope that
it helpes me ought,
Bedew thy handes, heere with my teares:
For I perceiue by thy rigore,
that-to my dolore:
The Gods themselues haue stopt their eares.
Though speake Dian, what might thou meane,
by this extreame.

Crueltie, hauing such Diuine
Fayre eyes: Doost thou thinke that when death,
hath tooke my breath:
That I will ende these cries of mine.
No, no, thou art deceiu'd for then,
my sprite agen,
Shall followe thee fro place to place,
Exclayming on thy crueltie,
voide of pittie. &c.