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or, A Clownes conceite on occasion offered. bewraying a morrallised metamorphoses of changes vpon interrogatories: shewing a litle wit, with a great deale of will; or in deed, more desirous to please in it, then to profite by it. Clapt vp by a Clowne of the towne in this last restraint, hauing litle else to doe, to make a litle vse of his fickle Muse, and carelesse of carping. By Clunnyco de Curtanio Snuffe [i.e. Robert Armin]

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The Conclusion.

Gentilles, whose gentlenes in censuring,
Is to take pleasure in your pittying:
Craftes-men, whose craft in clenly couering,
Is to be craftie in your kindest cunning,
To you I appeale: to whom in my appealing,
I craue forgiuenes, giuing this hard dealing.
What can you more, but true contrition.
Earnestly craude with true submission.
What is amisse, it is your minde to paid
Whose hartes no vnkinde deede can harden.
This is my comfort makes me not dispaire,
Your free loue euer will abridge my care.
Some one will say, wit wanting, men
Are rash to speake, or write with pen.
Others excuse it, and will alwayes say,
Desier to do well, makes a number stray.
If to do well w'offende, then that offence
Is to be pardond for the good pretence.
So to conclude, no more but this,
All thinges well taken, nought's amisse.