University of Virginia Library

But in Boston, (far-famed city)
A sad reproach and mournful pity,
The law has done its shameful deeds
And human Freedom freely bleeds.
But it was not the people's fault
They were quite ready to revolt,


And doubted not that it was right
For them cordially to unite
And by their works make known their faith;
But for those instruments of death.
'Twere folly to attempt the deed
Unable fully to succeed.
The North was at defiance set
By Mister Pierce and Cabinet,
And Freedom and her friends were chained
And gloomy despotism reigned;
And Freedom's crown lay in the dust
And thousands yielded, as they must,
In that dark, mortifying hour
To Slavery's unrestricted power;
And Burns was rudely borne away
Beneath the military sway.