University of Virginia Library

Foremost a bright majestic Form appear'd,
And in her hand the honour'd Fasces rear'd;
Forward she strode with more than virgin pace,
And leer'd upon the Croud with haughty grace.
Power was her name, assuming selfish Pride
And glitt'ring Pomp attended by her side.
Her fav'rite Son high on a seat she plac'd,
With mimic gems and glassy bawbles grac'd;


Close by his side was seated wrinkl'd Care,
While Envy view'd him with malicious stare:
Sternly he ey'd around the servile throng,
While loud acclaim proceeded from each tongue;
But from the giddy height devolving soon,
Reproach, Contempt and Shame is on him thrown
Eager another mounts the chair of pow'r,
And shines the empty pageant of an hour.